Methodological notes

In the design and implementation of the website, the utmost care was taken to ensure that the accessibility and usability requirements were met, so that the pages conformed to the technical requirements indicated in the Ministerial Decree implementing the Stanca Law (Law 4/2004 “Provisions to facilitate access to IT tools for the disabled”) and to the WCAG 2.0 guidelines provided by the international WAI Web Accessibility Initiative standard, an initiative of the W3C world consortium that deals with standardising website design. 

Making a website accessible means allowing anyone to fully access the content, information and services available on the website, regardless of the operating system, browsing tools (devices other than a monitor, keyboard or mouse), browser settings, and regardless of the connection speed available; therefore, access to services and information also extends to those who, due to disabilities, need assistance technologies or special configurations.

From a technical point of view, all pages on the website are valid with respect to the XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype, have been designed using only CSS style pages and do not contain frames and flash objects that cannot be accessed; nested tables have not been used. Also: 

  • Textual equivalents have been provided that convey the same information to the user as non-textual content (all content images have a description in the ALT attribute, purely decorative images have an ALT attribute with zero content).
  • Text and graphics can be understood even when displayed without colour.
  • Forms have markers that make the link between a text input field and its textual label unique.
  • The colours were designed to ensure a good contrast between the background and foreground colour (text) and to avoid using colours that were too bright or that could be disturbing when viewing the pages.
  • The structure was created using the markers necessary to be interpreted correctly by each navigation system.
  • The pages can be accessed even if javascript is not supported or is disabled in the user's browser.
  • The fonts are set with a relative size, compatible with the preferences specified by the user on his or her browser in the “font size” settings.
  • Forms are set up to allow users to access information, fill in fields and submit data through a variety of devices.
  • Links to external frames will open in external windows if javascript is enabled.
  • Browsing aids (link blocks) have been inserted.
  • The website can be correctly browsed with assisted browser tools.

The website has been tested using the following browsers:

Browser Operating Systems
Google Chrome Windows
Internet Explorer Windows
FireFox Windows
Opera Windows
Netscape Windows
Safari OSX

Advanced browsing assistance

Advanced browsing assistance tools such as key combinations for quick access to the various sections of the website and quick links to the main browsing and content have been introduced to ensure the broadest usability of the website's content.

Specifically, a diagram of how the access keys common to all pages are used is shown in the table: 


Web browsers and quick access keys
Browser Combination of keys
Mozilla Firefox ALT + SHIFT + KEY
Internet Explorer ALT + KEY + ENTER
Google Chrome ALT + KEY
Safari ALT + KEY

Note: Limited use has been made of the access key because this technique involves assigning keys to select a link, and can sometimes impair browsing for users using voice-recognition programmes where key associations are already present.

Additional note

The website was produced and implemented with the utmost care and attention towards accessibility for all categories of users. 

Accessibility, i.e. the ability of IT systems to deliver services and provide usable information without discrimination, is a path and not an end point. 

Therefore, the accessibility of the website will be monitored and accompanied by editorial and technical development guidelines produced by the editorial offices